The Lead Poisoning Prevention and Healthy Housing Conference
Held in conjunction with the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition
February 27 – 28, 2019
Washington, DC

The Lead Poisoning Prevention and Healthy Housing Conference and Capitol Hill Visits
Outstanding Educational, Networking and Advocacy Opportunity
The conference is being held in conjunction with the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition and features an outstanding educational program and optional half-day visits to Capitol Hill to meet with Congressional offices.
Special Message from the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition
Conference attendees who choose to participate in the Hill meetings during the last day of the conference will be grouped with other attendees and given opportunities to meet with staff from the offices of their Representatives and Senators. Groups will be led by policy staff and coalition members who are experienced at conducting meetings on the Hill. Training and materials will be provided before and during the conference.
No experience with advocacy or policymaker outreach is required to participate – all are welcome to join in the conversation about how to support healthy housing policy! Please note that participation in the Hill meetings does not necessarily include lobbying; if you have an organizational restriction on lobbying, we will ensure that your participation in the Hill meetings is strictly limited to policymaker education.
For questions about the Hill meetings, please contact Sarah Goodwin at
The National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition is a broad, voluntary coalition of over 300 organizations working to improve housing conditions nationwide through education and outreach to key national stakeholders and federal public decision makers.
Will a Government Shutdown Effect the Conference?
The only effect that a government shutdown during the dates of the conference will be the possible loss of a couple of speakers representing federal agencies; although, the information about federal childhood lead poisoning prevention, lead hazard control and healthy housing programs will still be presented and discussed. Shut down or no shutdown, the conference program and the Hill visits will take place as planned. We do not anticipate issues securing meetings with Congressional offices, as the Legislative Branch has already received funding for this fiscal year.
Conference Program
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
General Session
Part 1: Federal Agencies’ Programs, Funding Opportunities and Strategies to Eliminate Childhood Lead Poisoning and Undertake Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Housing Initiatives, including presentations by the HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Center for Disease Control, and the Food and Drug Administration.
Part 2: Strategies for Using CDBG Funds for Healthy Housing and Home Repair Projects
Part 3: Lessons Learned from States Utilizing CHIP’s Health Services Initiative
12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Luncheon and Panel Discussion with Congressional Staff
2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Two Concurrent Educational Tracks
Track #1: Legal Remedies for Advancing Lead Hazard Control Programs
- Litigations against paint manufacturers: the California experience and other state litigation efforts
- Legislative initiatives at the state and local levels
- Strengthening local housing codes
Track #2: Healthy Housing Research Developments
- The CAPABLE intervention model for older adults
- Environmental modifications for people with COPD
- The HOME study
- The ongoing EARTH study on radon testing
5:30 p.m.
Networking Reception and Exhibit Viewing
Thursday, February 28, 2019
8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
Meeting on Hill Visit preparations
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
General Session on Advocacy Strategies and Opportunities
Part 1: Presentation and discussion on envisioning a new federal lead poisoning prevention strategy that could include risk assessments in tenant-based Section 8 Housing, updating the Lead Disclosure Law and other elements
Part 2: Presentation on local advocacy, education and outreach strategies
Part 3: How to find and use local data
12:00 p.m.
Luncheon and Preparations for Hill Visits
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Two Program Options
Option #1: Capitol Hill Visits to Meet with Congressional Staffs
Option #2: General Session on Innovative interventions and services
- Alternative financing mechanisms and service delivery for healthy housing
- Building lead hazard control and healthy housing workforce capacity and development
- Problem solving open discussion
Networking Opportunities
Throughout the conference, attendees will have several opportunities to meet with colleagues from throughout the United States to discuss program ideas, ways to deal with problem areas, how to meet program goals, and to share what is working and what is not.
Location and Hotel Information
The conference will be held at the Holiday Inn Capitol, 550 C St SW, Washington, D.C. 20024.
The hotel is conveniently located near the S.D. Capitol, Smithsonian museums, L’Enfant Plaza, and the HUD and EPA office buildings.
To make reservations, call the central reservations office at 877.834.3613 and provide the group code LH9 when prompted. The booking link is Lead & Healthy Homes Conference.
If you have trouble making your room reservations, send an email to
The conference room rate is $189 single or double. The direct phone number for the Holiday Inn Capitol is 202.479.4000.
Registration Information
For those registering between now and December 31, 2018:
For 1 person from an organization, $185
For 2 or 3 persons from an organization, $170 per person
For 4 or more persons from an organization, $155 per person
For those registering between January 1 and January 31, 2019:
For 1 person from an organization, $200
For 2 or 3 persons from an organization, $185 per person
For 4 or more persons from an organization, $170 per person
For those registering after February 1, 2019:
For 1 person from an organization, $215
For 2 or 3 persons from an organization, $200 per person
For 4 or more from an organization, $185 per person
Have Any Questions or Interested in Making a Presentation for a Future Conference?
Contact us using the following secure email form.