All New Topics!
(Includes unlimited replays on demand for six months)
Expand your expertise and knowledge by registering for the 2022 Winter Virtual Conference on Lead, Healthy Housing, and Home Safety. A great learning event that will provide you with over 30 new conference sessions.
The content of the virtual conference includes the following:
Small group discussions that provide you with strategies for implementing and evaluating programs in your community. Being able to view these discussions and benefit from the “lessons learned” will be of substantial value to you.
Colleague’s presentations that will provide you with insights into ways to undertake lead and healthy housing programs and enhance what you’re doing in your community.
Legacy Interviews that bring you conversations with persons who, over the years, have made outstanding contributions to the elimination of childhood lead poisoning and the advancement of healthy housing initiatives. You’ll get to know some things about the people behind the programs, policies, medical research, and health advocacy.
Includes unlimited replays on demand for six months!
Presentation Topics and Presenters
Here is a Partial Listing of Topics and Presenters for the 2022 Winter Virtual Conference
Developing Partnerships to Combat Take-Home Lead in the Community
Strategies to help advance community-based public health and Environmental Justice programs.
Implementation of Smoke-Free Rules and Policies in Public Housing Settings.
Evaluating outcomes of healthy homes fall prevention programs.
Improving Indoor Air Quality in Child Care Facilities.
Lead Service Lines Replacement Programs: A Tale of Two Cities.
Code Enforcement Officers Partnerships with Public and Environmental Health Organizations.
Plus access to many other new topics!
When Will the Virtual Conference Take Place?
All of the sessions of the Virtual Conference will first air during the week of February 14, 2022, and will be available 24/7 for 6 months.
Where Can I View the Virtual Conference?
Wherever you’re most comfortable. Since this is a virtual conference, you will be accessing all of the presentations online through a computer or mobile device that has an Internet connection.
What if I Can’t Make Some of the Sessions?
No problem. You will have access to all the sessions through August 2022.
Will CEUs be Awarded?
The 2022 Winter Virtual Conference has been pre-approved for 28 CEU hours from the National Environmental Health Association. Registrants will receive the NEHA pre-approval letter and Certificate of Completion upon request.
24/7 access to over 30 new presentations for 6 months.
The Virtual Conference has been pre-approved for 28 hours of CEUs by the National Environmental Health Association.
Registration Information
The registration fee entitles you access to all the conference presentations through August 2022.
Have Any Questions or Interested in Making a Presentation for a Future Conference?
Contact us using the following secure email form.