Many New Topics!

Join us online for the 2024 Winter Virtual Conference on Lead, Healthy Housing & Home Safety!

February 26-28, 2024

Includes unlimited access on demand until August 2024!

​Expand your expertise and knowledge by registering for the 2024 Winter Virtual Conference on Lead, Healthy Housing & Home Safety.

A great learning event, the content of the virtual conference includes the following:

Presentations that provide you with strategies for implementing and evaluating programs in your community. Being able to access these discussions and benefit from the “lessons learned” will be of substantial value to you.

Colleague’s presentations that will provide you with insights into ways to undertake lead and healthy housing programs and enhance what you’re doing in your community.

Presentation Topics

Unhealthy Homes: Common Problems and Corrective Actions, Recommendations and Requirements (Part 1 - Asbestos) Presented By: Tom Laubenthal, CEO, TGL Consulting, Inc.

Claire Brisse - Dust Lead Hazard Standards and Dust Lead Clearance Levels Reconsideration Presented By: Claire Brisse, Environmental Protection Specialist, EPA

Mark Myer - Dust Lead Hazard Standards and Dust Lead Clearance Levels Reconsideration Presented By: Mark Myer, Toxicologist, EPA

NLC's Healthy Housing Local Action Challenge: New Year, New Focus Areas Presented By: Brandon Boccher, Program Specialist, National League of Cities

Reflections on EPA Current and Proposed Lead Dust Standards Presented By: Dave Jacobs, Chief Scientist, National Center for Healthy Housing

Lead Dust Wipe Sampling Techniques Presented By: Mike Sharp, Senior Safety Officer, Janus Corporation

Direct Mailing as an Approach to Increase Residential Lead Remediation Presented By: Harriet Okatch, Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College

Lead Abatement Compliance for Housing Rehabilitation Presented By: Michelle DeGarmo, President, Flatley Read, Inc.

Unhealthy Homes: Common Problems and Corrective Actions, Recommendations and Requirements (Part 2 - LBP Issues) Presented By: Tom Laubenthal, CEO, TGL Consulting, Inc.

From Where We Stand: How Changes to the Lead Dust Hazard and Clearance Standards May Affect Laboratory Analysis. Presented By: Howard Varner, Lab Director, Environmental Hazards Services

The EPA's Proposed Clearance and Hazard Standards Rule: A Contractor's Perspective Presented By: Ron Peik, CEO, Alpine Environmental

EPA's National Local Lead Action Plan Guide Presented By: Hannah Bartling, Life Scientist, EPA

Review of the EPA/HUD Lead in Paint Workshops - 12 Combined Issues Presented By: Mike Sharp, Senior Safety Officer, Janus Corporation

Protecting Children's Health from Environmental Hazards Found in Child Care Facilities Presented By: Kathy Attar, Engagement Manager, Eco-Healthy Child Care

Myths, Mysteries, and Mistakes with Heathy Homes Efforts Presented By: Mike Sharp, Senior Safety Officer, Janus Corporation

How and Why Community Health Workers Should Be Brought into Lead Poisoning Prevention 'Ecosystem' Presented By: Elyse Pivnick, Senior Advisor, Isles, Inc

Unhealthy Homes: Common Problems and Corrective Actions, Recommendations and Requirements (Part 3 - Mold) Presented By: Tom Laubenthal, CEO, TGL Consulting, Inc.

Eliminating German Cockroach Infestations Using Assessment-Based Pest Management: No Resident Cooperation Required Presented By: Dini Miller, Professor, Virginia Tech University

Using Social Media and Mass Media to Reach At-Risk Populations Presented By: Kate Kirkwood, Program Manager, Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Program, Sullivan County

Fifty Years of Peeling Away the Lead Paint Problem Presented By: Dave Jacobs, Chief Scientist, National Center for Healthy Housing

Registration Information

The registration fee entitles you access to all the conference presentations through August 2024, plus a complimentary copy of the Conference Summary Guide for each registrant . All rates are a fixed price and includes all attendees within the selected option.

Number of Attendees

Flat Rate









The Printable Conference Summary Guide is included at no extra charge.
Discounted group rates are only applicable if the members belong to the same organization.

The Conference Summary Guide

For a limited time, the Conference Summary Guide is provided with your registration at no extra cost.

The Conference Summary Guide is a printable, carefully designed resource allowing registrants to have a handy summary of the presentations and a way to revisit the topics at any time. Each summary is consistently structured for ease of use and understanding to ensure that readers can quickly access critical points.

When Will the Virtual Conference Take Place?

The virtual three-day conference will be held from February 26-28, 2024.

Where Can I View the Virtual Conference?

Wherever you’re most comfortable. Since this is a virtual conference, you will be accessing all of the presentations online through a computer or mobile device that has an Internet connection.

What if I Can’t Make Some of the Sessions?

No problem! You will have unlimited access to replay all sessions until August 2024.

When will I get a copy of the Conference Summary Guide?

The Winter 2024 Virtual Conference Summary Guide will be available on the last day of the conference. The download link will be provided both online and emailed to you.

Will CEUs be Awarded?

The Winter 2024 Virtual Conference has been approval for 20 CEU hours by the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA). Registrants will receive the NEHA pre-approval form upon request.

By attending the Virtual Conference on Lead and Healthy Housing, here’s what you’ll get:

Expansive Knowledge: Gain insights and strategies for implementing effective community programs in lead and healthy housing.


Flexibility and Accessibility: Enjoy 24/7 access to all presentations until August 2024, allowing you to learn at your own pace and convenience.


Comprehensive Resources: Receive a printable Conference Summary Guide with early registration, providing structured summaries of presentations for future reference.


Diverse Topics: The conference covers a wide range of subjects, providing a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of healthy housing and lead prevention.


Latest Research and Practices: Learn about the newest findings and best practices in the field, keeping you updated with the latest trends and innovations.

Registration Information

The registration fee entitles you access to all the conference presentations through August 2024, plus a complimentary copy of the Conference Summary Guide for each registrant . All rates are a fixed price and includes all attendees within the selected option.

Number of Attendees

Flat Rate









The Printable Conference Summary Guide is included at no extra charge.
Discounted group rates are only applicable if the members belong to the same organization.

Website Sponsors


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