Omaha/Council Bluffs Metro Area
Healthy Housing Consortium Program
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
8:30 a.m.
Hilton Omaha Hotel, 1001 Cass Street, Omaha, NE 68102

Omaha/Council Bluffs Metro Area Healthy Housing Consortium Program
When: Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Where: Hilton Omaha Hotel, 1001 Cass Street, Omaha, NE 68102
Starting Time: 8:30 a.m.
Registration: $60 per person which includes a continental breakfast from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and a reception from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Welcome and Opening Comments
Jason Mohr, HUD Region VII Regional Administrator
Dr. Adi Pour, Director, Douglas County Health Department
Clearing the Air on Smoke-Free Housing Policies
Presenters (Partnering Agencies): Douglas County Health Department, Metro
Omaha Tobacco Action Coalition (MOTAC), Tobacco Free Nebraska, University of
Nebraska Medical Center
Description: Ensuring healthy housing is a public health concern. During this workshop, we will review HUD’s Smokefree Public Housing Rule and share best practices for successfully transitioning properties, buildings, and units to be smoke and/or tobacco-free and maintain compliance. You will hear directly from housing and health partners who are actively working to increase the number of available smoke-free voucher housing and private market properties. Help protect the health of residents as well as improve your bottom-line!
Benefits of Collaborations When Addressing Indoor Air Quality in Housing
Presenters (Partnering Agencies): Omaha Housing Authority and Omaha Healthy Kids Alliance
Asthma and other respiratory issues are directly affected by the indoor air quality of ones living environment. Asthma is a chronic breathing problem caused by swelling (inflammation) of the airways in the lungs. It cannot be cured, but it can be prevented and controlled. Asthma is the most chronic disease that children face in the United States. Collaborations between medical service providers and local housing service providers in the private and non-profit sector can maximize what we are able to do in each home to achieve improved indoor air quality, therefor maximizing the return on investment and achieving positive health outcomes for Omaha’s residents.
11:10-11:20 Break
Panel Discussion: Why Leadership and Forward Leaning Concepts are Necessary
to Healthier Housing Options and Communities
Presenters: Panelists TBD
12:30-1:30 Lunch on Your Own
Sessions Title: A Public/Private Partnership: How Omaha Housing Authority and Habitat for Humanity are working together in Omaha
Presenters (Partnering Agencies): Omaha Housing Authority and Habitat for Humanity Omaha
What happens when a public and private organization come together and bring the best of what each has to offer? The answers are clear: our community benefits, both organizations are elevated, and more families are served as homeownership opportunities are created. Come to this workshop to hear about an innovative pilot program launched in Omaha resulting in more families achieving homeownership, reduction in costs to OHA, increase in capital to OHA, and a partnership to showcase in the community.
Session Title: Homeownership and Its Impact on Individual/Community Health
Presenters (Partnering Agencies): Family Housing Advisory Services and First National Bank
The American Dream of owning a home, and its various wellness benefits, is not available to many low-income and/minority populations. Local data has indicated the home mortgage rates for minority populations is consistently lower than the demographic rate itself, which could point to the contributors and barriers to the homeownership issue broadly. In this session, we will discuss the benefits of homeownership, the issue of lagging home mortgage rates for low-income and minority persons, and potential solutions to extend benefits to these communities.
3:55-4:05 Break
Session Title: Why Zip Code Matters: A Larger Determinant of Health Than Genetics
Presenters (Partnering Agencies): Live Well Omaha, Douglas County Health Department, HUD, Omaha Healthy Kids Alliance and Omaha Housing Authority
Zip code is a larger determinant of health than genetic code, and thus where one calls home directly impacts our quality of life and longevity. In Omaha, NE there is a 12-year life expectancy disparity. In order to alleviate this disparity, a higher level of collaboration is needed between health, housing, city and federal sectors to understand local data and drive impact. The above identified agencies are partners in a movement to create a culture of health in Omaha called the Accountable Health Community. The Accountable Health Community strives to create a consistent resource system that touches all corners of our community and engage businesses of all sectors to operate differently to keep residents healthy.
5:15-5:30 Wrap and Closing
5:30-6:30 Reception
Website Sponsors
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